Henry Nevison
Henry Nevison is an international award‐winning director, producer, editor, writer, teacher and musician with more than 30 years of professional experience. His passion for storytelling and the art of filmmaking has given Henry the opportunity to work with a variety of clients and subjects, ranging from British guitar icons Eric Clapton and Pete Townsend, to the unsung U.S. heroes of World War II, from a 20‐part series about Native American culture, to a 10‐part series about the vibrant dance scene in Philadelphia, among many others. His work has been featured on the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, the Biography Channel, HGTV, as well as a number of local TV broadcasts and in both corporate and educational settings. Current projects in production/development include: Against the Odds, a six‐part documentary for Discovery Military Channel in which he has served as producer, On the Other Side of the Fence a documentary/educational media project on using musical metaphor to teach young children about tolerance and The King of the Movies, a feature‐length documentary on Siegmund Lubin, one of the least known early pioneers of American motion pictures, Steppes Crossover, a feature length documentary on the role of the performing arts in international diplomacy.
In 1976, after graduating from Temple University with a degree in television and film production, Henry relocated to New England where he wrote, produced and directed a variety of projects for corporate clients, educational institutions, and public television including the first televised interview with author Stephen King. In 1988, Nevison founded InVision Communications, Inc., a “script to screen” production that became one of Philadelphia's most prominent, where he worked until 2000 before becoming a director and editor at Lou Reda Productions, as well as starting his own production company, Henry Nevison Productions. Today, Henry continues to work with a number of high‐profile clients, such as the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, and others. Recently, Henry was nominated for an Emmy in Performing Arts Programming for A World of Dance in Philadelphia.
What sets Henry apart as a storyteller is his ability to connect with audiences. His eclectic background has given him a unique insight in a number of diverse fields, such as science, art, history and music. In turn, Henry is able to assimilate that knowledge and present it in a way that resonates with his viewers. Additionally, Henry is a classically trained pianist and composer that allows him to better understand the emotional gravitas of sound and music. All of this informs Nevison’s ability to convey something honest and real to the viewer.

Andrea Green
Andrea Green is a composer, playwright, musician, director and music therapist. Her work encourages communication, understanding, peace‐making and acceptance of differences between people. Nationally known for her Broadway‐style musicals, Andrea’s creative body of work offers more than a quality entertaining artistic experience. They enlighten and transform, helping performers and their audiences overcome fear, misunderstanding and prejudice. Her musicals are social agents of change, adaptable for professional, amateur and therapeutic theater groups!
In 2012 Andrea was honored with a Proclamation from the City of Philadelphia acknowledging her music therapy work of 30 years, creating and directing musicals with the purpose of promoting acceptance, partnering children from the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy and Germantown Friends School, both in Philadelphia.
Several of Andrea's musicals are published by Samuel French, Inc. and her other musicals are available for licensing through Andrea Green Music. Working with a variety of collaborators and script adaptations since her first children's musical in 1982, scores of productions of her original musicals have been staged from coast to coast. The producers of her shows include: the New York Musical Theater Festival, Disney World National Performing Arts Festival, DLO Musical Theater Company in Illinois, Yankton Children's Theater in South Dakota, Kincaid Regional Theater in Falmouth Kentucky, Main stage Center for the Arts in Blackwood, New Jersey, Wolf Performing Arts Center in Philadelphia, Playhouse on Park in Hartford Connecticut, Theatre with a Twist in Acton, MA, Manchester Community Theater in Manchester, NH, Appel Farm Music Center in Elmer, NJ, Settlement Music School and the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia and many more schools and theaters across the U.S. and abroad.
Andrea is a music therapy consultant at the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy in Philadelphia and The Durand School in South Jersey, an educational facility for children with autism. She is the associate producer of the documentary On the Other Side of the Fence, a film produced by award‐winning director Henry Nevison that features her work as a music therapist and the importance of music therapy.

Howard Blumenthal
In 2006, Howard Blumenthal became the CEO of Independence Media, the non‐ profit organization which owns and operates the independent public television station WYBE (now MiND TV). Previously, he was the Senior VP of Marketing & Media at CDNow, and President and co‐founder of Glow in the Dark Productions, a program supplier to cable networks. His television credits include the Peabody and Emmy Award‐winning Where in the World Is Carmen Sandiego?, which he created and produced for PBS, and MTV’s Remote Control. At Warner Communications, he initiated the development effort that became MTV, and headed interactive development for QUBE. He is also the author of more than 20 books about business, marketing, creativity, history, music, and media. For 15 years, he wrote a syndicated column for more than 100 newspapers about consumer technology. He has been a faculty member at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Pennsylvania, and New School University.

Kerri Hanlon
Kerri Hanlon brings two points of view to On the Other Side of the Fence. As a public television professional with over 20 years experience in Marketing and Development, Hanlon helps programs find their audience through broadcast airing and community outreach. Former Chief Marketing Officer at WHYY in Philadelphia and consultant to PBS on various initiatives, Hanlon has also served on the Board of United Cerebral Palsy, HMS School and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Family Advisory Council.
Perhaps more important is her role as Sean’s Mom. Sean attends the HMS School for Children with Cerebral Palsy and plays the role of “Bear” in the musical. Hanlon’s insight to this community played a key role to the film’s success.
Hanlon is the co-founder of Yoga Home, a community based yoga studio in Philadelphia. She strongly believes every individual has unique gifts and talents that should be celebrated, a message that resonates in this film and in her yoga teaching.

Dr. Dan Gottlieb
Dan Gottlieb is a practicing psychologist and therapist with more than 40 years of experience. Best known as the host of Voices in the Family, a weekly radio program heard on WHYY‐FM, Philadelphia’s NPR affiliate.
He is also the author of six books, including his latest, The Wisdom We're Born With, which you can learn more about in this video book trailer.
Through personal and professional experience, Dan has learned that our greatest suffering is alienation and loneliness. That is these powerful emotions can produce prejudice, hatred, violence, withdrawal and depression. He has learned that all humans long for human contact, compassion and understanding. And without compassion, our spirits wither.
When asked to summarize his life’s work, he says simply: “I teach kindness.”