Throughout the film, we meet the children involved in the musical. Their heartfelt and personal reflections on the process of meeting someone new and developing an understanding of what each person’s gifts are is the heart of the film. Interviews with GFS students, describing how they were able to connect with their partner on a deeply personal level are the thread of the film, along with how they are moved to express their feelings through the music. Interviews with HMS students, some who use language and some who use assistive communication devices, show the commonality of experience.
Additional Interviews include:
▪ Andrea Green – Creator of “On the Other Side of the Fence” musical, music therapist, HMS-GFS Project musical director, award winning composer and playwright.
▪ Teresa Maebori – GFS Teacher (retired), who initiated the partnership with HMS and directed the GFS side of the project for 30 years.
▪ Dr. Dan Gottlieb – Family psychologist, author and radio personality
▪ HMS Alumni – Thomeqa Boyd, Rodawn Divelbliss Linsday
▪ GFM Alumni – Michael Friedman (noted Broadway composer and lyricist), Joanna Greeson, Xenia Tuton Bateman
Running Time: 57 minutes